

Hair Fall Treatments Hair Loss Treatments Hair Fall Solutions | Preventing Hair fall best medicines and Uses Methods

Hair Fall Treatments Hair Loss Treatments Hair Fall Solutions | Preventing Hair fall best medicines and Uses Methods
 Treatment of Hairfall & Hairloss

Complete Treatments of Hairfall & Hairloss Men and Woman

Hii friends welcome to my new article about Treatment of Hairfall and Hairloss.

Hairfall is a big problem for people across almost all age groups,Long,Shinny and thick hair make the pesonality good.That is why everyone desires beautiful and lush hair.

Secondly,When people see their hair falling they tend to get psychologically traumatized and they begin to fear becoming bald.

While many people have hair that are genetically lush and beautiful,there are others  whose hair are genetically sparse and frizzy but no matter who suffers from hairfall.

It is alaways something that bothers people.

Today,In this articles ,I will tell you the most common reasons for hair fall up to the age of 30-35 years.

Also,What are the reasons for hairfall after the age of  35 and also some problems that occurs in women  which can lead to hairloss at any age for women.

I will also tell you about some medicines as well as illness which can lead to hairfall and i will also be telling you how to treat this kind of hairfall.

First of all,What is termed as "Hair loss?"
When the rate of hair falling is greater than the rate at which they can grow back.

Which results in a net decrease in the quantity of hair ,this condition is termed as "Hair Fall?"  10-20 Hair falling everyday is natrual and this cannot be termed as Hair fall.

Now,hairfall which may start in childhood to any other age in mainly caused by Nutritional Deficiency.

Which means that there is a lack of Vitamins in the body,Such as vitamin C,Vitamin B12,Folic Acid etc and a deficiency of minerals like Iron and Zinc .
Due to a deficiency these vitamins and minerals hairfall begins to happen.

Reguired hair growth vitamins and minerals
Required Hairgrowth Viramins and Minerals

Nowadays people eat less of healthy home cooked food eat more of junk food .Due to this reason many people develop Iron Deficiency Anaemia and if there is a shortage of red blood 
cells in the body.

Then to treat this you can take 1 capsule of either DEXORANGE or AUTRIN. You should take this one capsule after dinner for 2-3 months and this should put a stop to your hair fall.

Iron & Zinc suppliments:DEXORANGE & AUTRIN
Iron & Zinc suppliments:DEXORANGE & AUTRIN

Second is,A lack of vitamins ,Hair loss due to vitamins deficiency and treatment for the same is explained in a previous post/articles on my blog in details .Please read it.

Many illness such as typhoid,viral fever,small pox etc cause hair fall,this happens due to weakness in the body.

This is why whenever there is a disease like this consuming Multivitamin tablets for atleast 3 months ensures that there is energy in the system and consequently hair loss is prevented.

Third reson,for hair loss is poor hygine ,dirty hair causes irritation in the roots of the hair and this leads to hairfall.It also leads to infection like dandruff.

That is why atleast twice a weak you should rinse your hair with a good shampoo and keep your hair clean.

Best Hair Growth Shampoo for Getting Healthy and Shinny Hair- explain in details on. a previous articles on my Hair Category.

Article about the treatment of dandruff also recommendations for good shampoos are present in this ,Please see and read this also.

Nowadays stress has increased exponentially in peoples lives and stress also causes hair fall.

In order to fight stress our body produces a greater quantity of steriod hormones and an increase in the level of steriods in the body leads to hair fall.

Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease which often occurs in young people .Hair begin falling in round patches which leads to many round shaped bold patches on the head. 

Alopecia Areata Disease
Alopecia Areata

This can be treated by applying Minoxdil Lotion on the Bald Patches or by the application of Retino A cream or It can also be treated by injecting streoids into the bald sites on the scalp.
Ratino-A cream
Ratino-A cream

Since , this is an autoimmune disorder sometimes this problems resolves itself on its own.

Now,there are many hair fall problems which occur more in women , for example- During Pregency due to the fluctuations in the body Hormones there can be hair loss.

In order to prevent this,pregnant women and lacttating mothers should consume Iron & Zinc suppliments like Dexorange & Autrin as well as a good multivitamin capsule which contains both Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid for example-Becosule-Z & Becadexamine.

Vitamin B12 & Folic Acid : Becosules & Becadexamine
Vitamin B12 & Folic Acid:Becosules & Becadexamine

hese capsules should also be taken daily . In disorders like PCOS & PCOD also there is  an increase in the level of Male Hormones in the body,which causes hair loss from the head in women  and also causes facial hair to appear.

The treatment and causes of PCOS have covered in details on a previous articles on my blog.Please go and read more about it.

Deficiency of Thyroid Hormone also often in young as well as middle aged women which leads to hair fall as well as thinning of hair .Proper treatment of Thyroid disorders puts a stop to hair fall.

Nowadays many people are resorting to all kinds of chemical treatments in their hair.For example - Hair Bonding , Hair Straightening , Ironing as well as Hair Colouring ,These Procedures are done repeatedly.

In my experience,1/2 months after getting any of these procedures done these people begin to experience hair fall and hair loss.

That is why the lesser people go in for these treatments ,the better it is.

Now,lets discuss the hair fall which occurs at 30/35 years of age and alsolater than this age.

This kind of hair fall usually starts off very slowly and hair keep getting progressively thinner and sparser.This condition is called "Male Pattern Baldness" or MPB.This condition can affect men as well as women.

Male Pattern Baldness Affect of Men
Male Pattern Baldness Affect of MEN
Male Pattern Baldness Affect on FEMALE
Male Pattern Baldness Affect on FEMALE

The main causes of this is genetics,which means who have a lot of other family members who suffer from baldness .Such people have a higher chance of developing Male Pattern Baldness .

Also in this kind of baldness the level of DHT (Dihydro Testosterone) Hormone in the body goes up more than normal.DHT Hormone levels in the body can spike due to a lowering of the Thyroid Hormone in both men and women.

DHT levels can also spike in women if they are suffering from PCOS/PCOD.

Which causes hair to become thin , frizzy and break easily.Hair from the forehead and sides are specially affected.

In this type of Male Pattern Baldness , a medicine called Minoxidil is quite useful.Minoxidil is available at medical stores in the form of Tablets,Lotions as well as Foam.

For hair growth in the head area most commonly lotion and foam of Minoxidil is used.By applying Minoxidil lotion on your head daily there is an increase in the circulation of blood in the scalp area .Additionlly older , weaker hair follicles get strengthened and growth of new hair follicles is also stimulated .

Before,you begin applying this , women should be aware that they should only use a foam or lotion of Minoxidil with 5% concentration.Women should not use 10% Minoxidil products.Because if they use 10% Minoxidil products there is a strong possibility and danger of growing facial hair in women .

Also whereas men can begin with a 5% concentration and then steadily increase the dosage to 10% concentration ,this medicine is available at medical stores by the name of Rogaine Lotion.

Rogaine Lotion
Rogaine Lotion

It is also sold as Mintop Lotion by Dr. Reddy's Lab

MINTOP Lotion by Dr. Reddy
MINTOP Lotion by Dr. Reddy

Glenmark Pharma
also sells it as HAIR4U Lotion and Spray.

Glenmark Pharma Hair4u Minoxidil Topical Solutions
Glenmark Pharma Hair4u Minoxidil Topical Solutions

Wockhardt company also markets it under the name of GAINEHAIR.
GAINEHAIR minoxidil topical by Wockhardt
GAINEHAIR minoxidil topical by Wockhardt

Minoxidil is also avaiable in tablet form but consuing these tablets leads to hair growth all over the body ,that is why it is better that the specific area which needs hair growth is treated specifically with either lotions or foam of Minoxidil.

Those men and women who along with Hereditary conditions like Male Pattern Baldness also have increased levels of DHT Hormone in their bodies can go in for treatment by a combination of Fenestride & Minoxidil.

Fenestride is a compound which prevents / reduces production of DHT Hormone in the body.In medical stroes or Amazon you can buy this medicine which goes by the name of HAIR4U- F (by Glenmark Pharma).

Minoxidil & Fenestride topical solution HAIR4U -F LOTIOn by Glenmark Pharma

Minoxidil & Fenestride topical solution HAIR4U -F LOTION 

Lupin Labs also produces this medicine and it is sold by the name of NOVEGROW.

Minoxidil & Fenestride topical solution NOVEGROW by lupin labs
Minoxidil & Fenestride topical solution NOVEGROW

But before you begin applying minioxidil lotion you must remember a few important points :

First of all,when you first begin applying this medicine hair keeps falling for the first 2-3 months and new hair begin to appear only after this.That is why when you first see your hair falling you should not stop using this medicine,keep applying it daily and within 3-4 months new hair will begin to appear.

Secondly,These lotions should be rubbed into the scalp/skin area from where hair are falling and it should be gently massaged into the affected area of skin .These medicine should not be applied on top of hair themselves.

Thirdly,Application of minoxidil causes hair to dry out.So, if you want to apply oil make sure you only apply it on the shaft of the hair.
you should not apply oil on the scalp/skin itself.
Next,You must wash your head for atleast 6 hours after applying minoxidil.

Also , If you suffer from high blood pressure,diabetes or heart problems then this medicine should not be used without a doctors advice at all.
If women begin to develop fascial or body hair due to the use of this medicine,then it should be stopped immediately or you could using 2.5% concentration of minoxidil lotion/foam.

GAINEHAIR 2% Minoxidil topical solution
GAINEHAIR 2% Minoxidil topical solution

MINTOP 2% Minoxidil topical solutions
MINTOP 2% Minoxidil topical solutions

Friends, I hope you have found my article useful and no matter what kind of hair fall you have this information will help in bringing in
 under control.

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Thank You.

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