

Benefits Of Using Apple Cider Vinegar(Vitamin) | Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss | Apple Cider Vinegar Drink | Apple Vinegar

Benefits Of Using Apple Cider Vinegar(Vitamin) | Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss | Apple Cider Vinegar Drink | Apple Vinegar

Benefits Of Using Apple Cider Vinegar ( Vitamin )

Hi friends,today I will be telling you about Apple Cider Vinegar  which is being commonly spoken of today.

By drinking it, and by applying it on your skin there are reported to be many benefits
which are all over on TV, the newspaper and even youtube.

A lot of people speak about ACV as if it is a magical potion which means that it is such a magical thing which works from your head to toe in curing all kinds of problems.

However, Apple Cider Vinegar does have it's uses and is useful for curing many problems.

However, without getting complete information about it you should not be using it to treat your problems.

In this Article,

I will be telling you where all ACV use is recommended and what is the method of it's correct usage And also what are the harmful effects that can occur.

If one uses ACV recklessly or without a complete understanding of it .In order to make ACV, pulp from the apple fruit is mixed along with Yeast and certain bacteria and then this is allowed to ferment which turns into alcohol and then finally it turns into Vinegar.

The main ingredient of this Vinegar is Acetic Acid and to a lesser extent, it also contains
Citric Acid, Lactic Acid, Maleic Acid and a small amount of micro organisms and bacteria.

For a very long time ACV has been used in home remedies and treatments as a Anti-Septic, as well as a preservative for food items which prevents food items from going stale.

Now, I will tell you about the benefits of consuming ACV orally.

Firstly, those who suffer from Diabetes can take 1 Teaspoon of ACV mixed in half a glass of water along with their food.

This will prevent your Blood Sugar & Insulin levels from fluctuating too much after a meal
which means that these levels will not go haywire.

The other use of ACV is Weight Loss.

For 3 months,   First thing in the morning, take one glass of Lukewarm water and add 2 Teaspoons of ACV to it.

Consuming this regularly can result in a weight loss of 1 Kilo, over 3 months Triglycerides in the blood.

Fat accumulated inside the stomach and BMI also see a reduction if this is implemented.

However, the way in which ACV is being touted as a weight loss agent nowadays
Is completely wrong.

If you consume a moderate amount of ACV, accompanied by a healthy diet and regular exercise  then ACV can assist in weight loss.

However, there is not much benefit in consuming ACV all by itself, without proper diet and exercise.

Many people mistakenly assume that by drinking large quantities of ACV or by eating ACV tablets, they will become thin.

The reality is that consuming too much of ACV will give you acidity and heart burn.

The third use of ACV is to reduce dandruff.

Take 2 Table Spoons of ACV and mix them in 1 Full cup of water and then fill this mixture in a spray bottle.

Spray this water all over your head, by parting your hair and making sure it reaches the scalp
Let it sit for 15 minutes and then rinse it completely off your head using only plain water.

The Acetic Acid present inside ACV does not let Yeast grow which is a kind of fungus, which causes dandruff and this reduces the dandruff.

However, this is not a complete treatment of dandruff.

The treatment of Dandruff as also the dandruff caused due to fungal infections in scalp and beard and the treatment of Seborrheic Dermatitis (Oily dandruff) has been given in previous Articles  on my Blog- You can have a look at them also.

Those who dye or colour their hair can get hair damage by applying ACV to their hair.

That is why, if you dye your hair then you should not be using ACV in your hair at all.

The fourth use of ACV is the treatment of Smelly Feet.

These people should take half a bucket of normal water and add 1 cup of Apple cider vinegar to it.

Next, you should soak your feet in this water daily, for atleast 15 minutes this reduces the foul smell from feet because ACV prevents the growth of Yeast and infection causing bacteria in the skin.

But again, this is not the complete treatment for smelly feet .The causes of smelly feet
and the Articles for it's complete treatment is available to watch on my channel - Please see it.

Apple cider Vinegar can also be used to lighten dark underarms .In 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar add 1 tablespoon of water and also add 1 teaspoon of baking soda into the mix
make a good, smooth paste out of this.

Next, apply this paste to a small patch of skin first so that you can be sure that it does not irritate or burn your skin then you can safely apply it to your entire underarm area after application.
Let it sit for about 20 minutes then rinse it off properly with plain water and apply Virgin Coconut Oil to the area.

Besides this, many people use ACV to treat indigestion and to treat inflammation caused by the bites of insects and to condition their hair and to treat lice in their hair, to treat sunburn and to treat acne/pimples and ACV is also used for gargling, in case you have a sore throat.

However, in my opinion there are better medicines and treatments for these problems as also safer home remedies that is why for these problems, the usage of Apple Cider Vinegar
is not recommended by me.

Now, I will tell you about the harmful effects of Apple Cider Vinegar if it is used without proper knowledge.

Firstly, if you use ACV directly or mix a very large quantity of ACV in water and apply it to your skin or face then it can cause acid burns to your skin.

The second harmful effect is that using ACV as a home remedy for teeth whitening is not advised at all.
The acid in ACV can cause damage to your tooth enamel by dissolving it slowly
which can lead to tooth decay and cavities.

The third harmful effect is that ACV is basically a strong acid and if it is consumed without diluting in water first or diluted in very little water before consuming it.

It can lead to chemical burns inside the mouth, throat and stomach.

And by consuming too much of it, there can be a shortage of glucose, potassium and calcium in the body which can cause cramping in your hands and feet bones also get weak and reduction of sugar in the body can also lead to dizziness.

ACV can cause adverse reactions if mixed with other medicines/medications also that is why if you are on any kind of medication for blood pressure, diabetes, kidney problems or heart disase then you should not consume Apple Cider Vinegar without consulting a doctor first.

Friends, I hope that this knowledge about ACV will be beneficial to you.

And you will have a better understanding of the usage of ACV where to use it, and where not to use it.

I hope this Articles is helpful to you for that.
Thank you!

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